Term of Reference (TOR):

a. Procurement of Non MDU (Non Main Distribution Materials) and complementary materials at the work location

b. Installation of Distribution Networks includes JTM, JTR and Distribution Substations which refer to and according to the following :

  • PLN and the applicable Distribution Standards for Construction Networks and K2 / K3 and other provisions that apply at PLN
  • JTM, JTR and Distribution Substation Procurement and Installation Work starts from material preparation to completion of work and or functioning of the equipment
  • During the work, PT Fortuna Reksa Karya is responsible for the safety of workers, materials, work equipment and the environment
  • Several Process :

  • Pole measurement / pole fixing
  • Pole Digging
  • Establishment of Electric Poles (Medium Voltage Mast and Low Voltage Pole)
  • Cable withdrawal (LVTC Cable and Conductor Cable AAAC-S)
  • Installation of substations and cabinets (Trafo 25-160kVa and LVSB 250A-400A)