PT. FORTUNA as a service driven company, we prideourselves in offering high quality site based service to complement extensive produce range, through our team of competent technicians. It's gives engineering solution and on-site services designed to maintain the integrity of production plant and pipework.

Experience show that the need of providing equipment and manpower to ensure correct and controlled tightening of bolted joint is very important, particularly for critical joint.Leakage due to improper bolt tightening procedure will force the plant to conduct unplanned shutdown which will stop the production process. The circumstance is very unfavorable to the plant operator. Unplanned shutdown will affect the company revenue because the product target cannot be achieved.

In order to achieve optimum bolt connections, fasteners in any bolted connection must be loaded in a controlled and safe manner. Therefore the need reliable equipment and manpower is a must. Over tightening or under tightening of bolt connection will make a chance of connection leakage in the near future.